July 29, 2011

ANR2971E Database backup/restore/rollforward terminated -DB2 sqlcode -2071 error

OS Platform: AIX 6.1
TSM server Version:

ANR2971E Database backup/restore/rollforward terminated -DB2 sqlcode -2071 error. This error comes when libApiTSM64 library file could not be loaded which resides in /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64 directory. Reinstall the latest version of ba client and problem should be resolved. In my case I installed which is the latest client version available on ftp site and problem got resolved. It could be because of incorrect installation or corrupt library file.

When reviewing db2diag.log file for diagnostic,  message "An error occurred while accessing the shared library" can confuse with tsm library sharing in case of library manager/client setup. SQL message here refers to the library file libApiTSM64.a in client api directory.

July 23, 2011

stale NFS handle ( GPFS filesystem backup using TSM )

GPFS mmbackup uses dsm.opt at default location i.e. /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin in case of AIX if file is inside bin64 then we need to create symbolic link for dsm.opt to point at default location.
Or this problem could be because of a filesystem earlier mounted as NFS made local.

July 21, 2011

LTO3-LTO4 compatibility

I came across a situation where I was asked whether LTO3 media written on LTO4 drive is readable in LTO3 drive.
Answer is yes because LTO does not allow writing a different format on one media type.
I have seen this in one of my customer's environment where library is using a mix of LTO3 and LTO4 drives with all LTO3 media and there has never been any issue while restoring data using LTO3 drives ,doesn't matter whether data was written in LTO4 drive. On LTO3 media , LTO4 would be writing in LTO3 format only.
All LTO generations are backward compatible with one generation back for both read/write and two generation back for read only operations.

July 19, 2011

IBM Device driver Link


tapeutil no more supported

Tapeutil utility has been replaced by ITDT( IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool) which is a separate utility and can be downloaded from IBM fix central or ftp site. IBM tape device driver (i.e. Atape.driver) comes with AIX filesets.

July 15, 2011

Empty primary storage pool tapes not converting into scratch tapes

Oops!! I found that the primary storage pool volumes which have been ejected from library using move media command are not returning into scratch status, these are showing as empty volumes in q vol command.

To resolve the problem I ran  move media on one of the volume and that deleted the volume from storage pool and now this can be used as scratch.
Command used for moving media:
move media <vol_name> stg=<stgpool_name> wherestate=mountablenotinlib

July 14, 2011

Moving TSM V6 database to new directories

TSM Server Version: 6.1
OS Platform: AIX 6.1

You can move TSM DB from one location to alternate location using following method:
  • Create new directories where you want to move DB.
  • Make sure DB instance user is the owner of these directories.
  • List these directories inside a file. List each directory on a single line.For  example below are the contents of file dbvol.txt
  • Halt TSM server
  • Remove tsm db using following command:
dsmserv  removedb TSMDB1 -i /home/tsminst1/tsminst1
  • Restore tsm db using following command:
dsmserv -i /home/tsminst1/tsminst1 restore db todate=today on=/home/tsminst1/dbvol.txt

where todate option can be used to restore database to any point in date and dbvol.txt is the file which contains db direcories location.Version 6 onwards require volume history file to restore tsm db.
Commands need to run by db instance owner id.

At last when restore db finishes following message comes.This means db restore is completed.
ANR0369I Stopping the database manager because of a server shutdown.

You may receive waning messages like below during db restore.These can be ignored.

ANR0498W Session < session no.>  refused for <node name> because restore DB is in progress.

July 10, 2011

Upgrading TSM to

Procedure same as explained in article "Upgrading tsm 6.1 to the next maintenance level"

Upgrading from TSM 6.1 to TSM 6.2

Existing TSM version:
Target TSM version:
OS Platform: AIX 6.1 64 bit

  • DB2 requires IOCP to be enabled on AIX platforms. Enable this manually
    using "smitty iocp". If the problem persists contact a technical service
  • DB2 instance user id and password should be ready before installation
  • /opt/tivoli/tsm must be having 2000 MB allocated
  • For installation root user id is required
  • remote user login should be enabled on system i.e ssh, test if yo can login using instance user id and password using ssh at default port.
  • Check if previous installation has been done using default values otherwise /etc/tivoli/tsm/instance.info may be required to be renamed. 
  • Download licensed version of TSM 6.2.1 from passport advantage site for customer.
  • Copy .bin file on to TSM server.
  • Extract contents by executing .bin file.
  • Issue ./install.bin -i console command inside the installation direcory.